Dr. Alejandro Badia, Chief Medical Officer and his physician team at OrthoNOW™ Doral, South Florida’s only orthopaedic urgent care facility, recently collaborated to debunk the most commonly heard orthopaedic myths. The myths include: Myth: Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by using a computer. Truth: “Pressure on the medial nerve causes carpal tunnel syndrome. This pressure… Read More »
Síndrome del túnel carpiano
Esta es una afección caracterizada por una compresión del nervio que atraviesa el túnel óseo en la muñeca, que es el encargado de proporcionarle sensibilidad y movimiento. Afecta especialmente a las personas de entre 30 y 60 años de edad, produciendo hormigueo, debilidad y daño muscular en la mano y los dedos. Debe su nombre… Read More »
Las 5 lesiones más comunes y como evitarlas
Como todo el mundo se prepara para mantener sus resoluciones sobre mantenerse en forma, es importante recordar que nuestro cuerpo tiene límites que puede manejar. Sin la postura apropiada y estiramientos, pueden ocurrir lesiones graves. Ya sea que esté haciendo ejercicios de Pilates, construyendo músculo con sus pesas o simplemente, yendo al gimnasio por su… Read More »
Alejandro Badia, M.D., Pioneer in Global Telemedicine Technology
Telemedicine is the use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communications to improve a patient’s clinical health status. Imagine a scenario where doctors from different centers can collaborate on a surgery without having to actually be in the operating room, doctors in remote locations could receive immediate expert support from… Read More »
Introduction to Femoro-Acetabular Impingement FAI by Mauricio Herrera, M.D. Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine
Femoroacetabularis the term to describe the location where the femur (thigh bone) and the acetabulum (hip socket) come together. Impingement is a term that refers to pinching. Therefore, a diagnosis of femoroacetabular impingement indicates a pinching or pain in the hip joint where the femur meets the hip socket. A patient will point to their… Read More »
How to prevent injuries to the lower extremities
We asked on our foot and ankle specialist, Dr. Gregorio Caban what advice he would someone training for a triathlon, marathon or simply just trying to adopt a healthier more active lifestyle. Here’s what he had to say: Proper stretching of the achilles tendon, quadriceps, and hamstrings is very important and can affect foot mechanics… Read More »