Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer among American men. All men are at risk for prostate cancer, but most men diagnosed with it are of age 65 or older. As men get older, their risk for developing osteoporosis increases significantly. Osteoporosis is of particular concern for men with prostate cancer and for prostate cancer survivors too. Recently, a strong link has been found between hormone deprivation therapy, one of the treatments for prostate cancer, and the development of osteoporosis.
Dr. Alejandro Badia, CEO and Chief Medical Officer of OrthoNOW®, the country’s only orthopedic urgent care franchise, has seen a surge in men who have had prostate cancer treatments.
“Hormones such as testosterone protect against bone loss, once these hormones are obstructed, bones become less dense and break more easily, leading to an increased risk of fractures and broken bones,” said Dr. Badia.
In honor of Movember and increasing the awareness in men’s health through the power of the mustache, Dr. Badia provides lifestyle tips all men can make to help keep bones as strong as they can be:
- Nutrition: A well-balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is important.
- Exercise: Regular exercise, such as walking, may help prevent bone loss and will provide many other health benefits. Like muscle, bone is living tissue that responds to exercise by becoming stronger.
- Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle: Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Those who drink and smoke heavily are more prone to bone loss and fracture, because of both poor nutrition and an increased risk of falling.
OrthoNOW®, the country’s only network of orthopedic urgent care franchises, offers a great technology for bone health called Juvent Health Micro-Impact Platform™. Juvent’s low-magnitude mechanical impulses passively exercise your bones and muscles, increasing blood flow, relieving pain, and helping increase strength.
The Juvent Platform’s micro-impacts provide soft, controlled impulses to the musculoskeletal system. Research demonstrates that these micro-impacts can help promote bone health, and potentially reduce the effects of osteoporosis.
It is impossible to achieve total health without a sufficient amount of skeletal impact. This revolutionary system is actually very simple. Patients simply stand on the Juvent Platform (about the size and shape of a bathroom scale) for 10 to 20 minutes a day.
Using the Juvent platform, available at OrthoNOW®, just three days a week has been shown to help improve blood flow, ease joint, knee and back pain, and increase stability.
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