Payments for Doral location only

Submitting a Payment to OrthoNOW

One-Time Transaction:

Please click on the “Pay Now” button below and you’ll be able to process your payment on the next screen.

Patient Name:

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

Account Number


For credit card payments, OrthoNOW® uses Total System Services, Inc.® (TSYS®) in compliance with PCI Security Council standards as the payment processing company to bill our patients for a deposit towards our orthopedic services. After we have processed your one-time payment, you should receive an email notification on the email provided by you. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at (305) 537-7272.

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OrthoNOW mobile app
Easy Access To Help

On My Way NOW App

Because Injuries Don’t Happen by Appointment®
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  2. Send photos of injury
  3. Locate nearest OrthoNOW
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  5. Get post-treatment updates
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