Physician Assistant
Rebecca Rosenberg, PA-C, is an Orthopedic Physician Assistant based in Miami, Fl. She currently practices at OrthoNOW Doral.
Ms. Rosenberg is a 2010 graduate of the Miami-Dade College Physician Assistant Program. Prior to her career as a PA, Rebecca studied massage therapy and athletic training which she uses to treat her patients with a holistic full body approach. Ms. Rosenberg has spent the majority of the previous decade in surgery, working in a variety of surgical specialties including, but not limited to, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery. She uses her extensive and varied training outside of OrthoNOW by covering medical staff for various sporting events as well. Rebecca has happily returned to her roots in Orthopedics and is looking forward to assisting with your ailments.

OrthoNOW Clinicians
Alejandro Badia, MD, FACS