According to Workers’ compensation laws in the State of Florida, the injured worker can receive compensation for lost wages and medical expenses associated with the injury, regardless of fault.
Did you know that over 90% of Worker’s Compensation claims are musculoskeletal and require specialty care? Why then would anyone risk misdiagnosis and waste time and money going to the ER or general clinic for work related injuries?
For a Human Resources Director, a Manager, or a Health and Safety Committee Member, establishing a timeline for the employee’s return to work after an injury is imperative. At OrthoNOW, our goal is to provide you with the access to specialty care needed to get employees back on their feet and back on the job quickly and efficiently. Our physicians and health professionals are experts in diagnosing and treating work-related injuries, and our dedicated Workers’ Comp team fully understands the rules and regulations of the Workers’ Compensation system in Florida.
As a case manager, adjuster or employer, our Workers’ Compensation program (view under “OrthoNOW Occupational Health Solution“) features everything you and the patient need.