Dr. Alejandro Badia, co-founder of OrthoNOW, recently purchased an Augmented Reality Device for use in the office during injections and potentially other procedures. The device makes injections more efficient and precise, as the clinician will be able to see the exact location of the needle without needing to turn their head back and forth between the injection and the ultrasound monitor.
What does Augmented Reality Do?
Augmented reality headsets are worn like traditional glasses, working similarly to bifocals. Under the lenses, the clinician will be able to see the patient, as well as the placement of the ultrasound wand and needle, but the lenses will be broadcasting the live ultrasound feed. Usually, the doctor will have to turn their head between the patient and the ultrasound screen in order to see the depth and location of the needle under the skin. With Augmented Reality, the clinician does not need to turn their head, leading to quicker, more efficient injections in the correct positions. This can also reduce the potential pain levels in the patient because the needle is where it needs to be in order to be effective.
Injection Therapy & Orthobiologics in Miami, FL
If you are interested in learning more about injection therapies and how they can help alleviate your joint and muscle pain, visit OrthoNOW today! With three convenient locations around Miami, our offices accept walk-in patients and can provide treatment in under one hour. For more information about Orthobiologics and AR, please call (305) 262-8665.
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