In September 2017 during the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, Captain Don Hillard of the Monroe County Sherriff’s Office was working to clear a blocked road when he slipped off of a fallen tree, landing on his shoulder. Due to the devastation to the surrounding area, including his home, he put off getting his shoulder checked out for months. Captain Hillard finally went to the doctor in December, when the pain prevented him from sleeping or lifting his arm any higher than his shoulder. He had been performing a lot of manual work between helping clear debris from his community as well as reconstructing his home. The initial diagnosis was a partially torn rotator cuff and bicep, which concerned him: he had heard stories about unsuccessful rotator cuff repairs from colleagues in the field, leading to more pain and limited function. When Captain Hillard met with Dr. Alejandro Badia for his consultation, Dr. Badia presented him with a possible solution: Regeneten. A bioinductive implant, the Regeneten patch is about the size of a postage stamp and helps regenerate damaged tissue over a six month period, eventually dissolving as the tissue regrows and repairs the tear. Captain Hillard was back at work two months after his surgery and discharged from rehabilitative therapy soon after. He is now able to play catch with his athletic son, throwing a baseball back and forth without limitation.
If you are experiencing pain in your shoulder and need treatment to resume your daily activities, contact OrthoNOW today or stop by one of our convenient locations around Miami. For more information, please call (305) 262-8665.
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