The one truism of the Affordable Care Act is that this legislation created the empowered patient. The empowered patient evolved from technology, transparency and a lack of primary care providers needed to service the patient population. What the empowered patient demands from the medical marketplace is better outcomes, at a lower cost, delivered in a shorter cycle. What does the empowered patient expect from healthcare? The exact same level of service, choices and access they receive from any other retail provider.
This shift in demand for alternative methods of healthcare delivery models has fostered an entrepreneurial spirit among thought leaders and a boom in healthcare franchising and healthcare business opportunities. To meet this growing demand general and specialized healthcare franchises have begun to emerge in shopping and commercial centers across the nation. Entrepreneurs and medical professionals have very quickly realized that the cost to own and operate these healthcare franchises are far less expensive than traditional practices and that both the patient and provider experiences are vastly superior.
Mary Beth Kuzmanovich, National Director of Healthcare Services for the real estate giant Colliers, confirmed this trend in a January of 2016 statement. Kuzmanovich was quoted “In a push to lower cost healthcare providers have been shifting care away from hospitals to outpatient facilities for several years. This ongoing movement further increases demand for medical office space. Existing facilities will have to be renovated and new buildings will need flexible designs to keep up with emerging healthcare technology, which is transforming how and where patient care is delivered.”
Healthcare franchises are also positioned to more quickly adapt, and adopt, consumer focused technology into their business models more efficiently and effectively. One of the best examples of the win-win between patient and provider in the new age of healthcare retailization is OrthoNOW, the nation’s only orthopedic urgent care franchise.
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